5 Tips to Fuel Creativity

Do you ever feel like your creative juices are running dry? Instead of writer's block, you have a creativity block? I get this ALL of the time! Between posting on multiple Instagram accounts, photo layouts and blogging I have days that I just feel drained of all of my creativity. For myself and for many entrepreneurs we don't have the choice to just not produce content. We have to consistently be sharing, posting and marketing whether we "feel" like it or not. So instead of just not creating when I feel this way, I've learned a few ways that have helped me get past these "blocks".
Photo by: Juan Rodriguez Photography www.jrodriguez.ca


When we have been super busy and haven't had a chance to slow down, anxiety or stress can block our creative mind from wandering and cultivating ideas. I've had some of my best inspirations come to me as I was driving or having a shower. When we can get away from all of the "noise" of our life, inspiration has an opportunity and space to flow in. Meditation, Deep Breathing or Yoga are other ways to slow down and tune out the world and tune into ourselves and our peaceful state of mind.


Nature has a way of bringing clarity and peace of mind to our lives. One of my favourite ways to de-clutter my mind is going for a walk outside by myself. Breathe in fresh air, look at the trees and listen to the calming sounds of nature. By unplugging and focusing on the natural beauty around us, it can be like hitting the "reset button" on our mind.


When I have had a stressful or high anxiety day full of non-stop action, there is unresolved energy
that needs to be released. Working out can help relieve stress and the endorphin high can help us to "feel good" again. Also being able to focus on our body can be very empowering. We are able to take control back from a hectic day and feel grounded. In other words, "If you want to avoid talking about it, sweat about it".


If you follow my own weekend adventures or know where I like to "hangout" in my free time, I always gravitate to places that give me "good vibes". When I need inspiration, I often take a coffee break at local cafes or places like Chapters. I enjoy checking out places that I can admire other creative things and being in spaces that allow my creative mind to wander and get energized.


Asking others to review your artistic or creative work can be very helpful. We can sometimes get "stuck" in patterns or produce the same content when we are in a creative rut. Often a fresh pair of eyes from a friend or fellow entrepreneur can help us to see our work from a new perspective. Also spending time with people who inspire you or you can relate to can do wonders for "filling your cup". I usually seek help or enjoy spending time with other female entrepreneurs that are going through similar challenges or experiences. We bounce ideas off one another and offer insights from our own experiences.

I hope you enjoyed today's topic. It is okay not to be "on" all of the time. We all need a "time out" to recharge and refuel our minds. Keep creating and taking creative risks!

Kelsey xo


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