About Me

Hello Everyone! I thought I would share a little bit about me to give you an idea of where I came from and where I am now! For most of my life I knew I wanted to be "My Own Boss." I grew up as a competitive dancer and at that point I would tell people that when I grew up I wanted to own a dance studio. My mom was self-employed so that lifestyle was 'normal' to me. I went everywhere with her as a young girl and loved being apart of a busy lifestyle.

Fast forward to my University years, I was studying as a Kinesiology major. For me just 'going to school' was not enough. I needed personal goals and a new challenge to overcome. After a few months of university, after being rejected from the Dance Team (which was devastating at the time), I stumbled upon magazines full of "Fitness Modeling". I found resources that helped me to get started training for my first show and I was so excited to be "training" and feel like an elite athlete again. This passion continued throughout university and I competed in various shows around Canada. I connected with people who "got me," and it motivated me in all aspects of my life. This was also the beginning of my career as a personal trainer. I got my certification while in school and began training clients on the side at various locations.This is when I also started my "Secrets of a Fitness Model" Recipe blog, because I wanted to have more enjoyable food during my prep. www.fitmodelrecipes.ca

Then I graduated University and faced that BIG question, "What career are you going to pursue?" Well I just spent 4 years of my life learning about the human body, psychology, fitness and nutrition. I did not know if I wanted to specialize in a health related field or continue more schooling. All I knew was I needed to work and figure out my future. I loved personal training, it did not feel like work, but there was no way I was going to train at a "big box gym." So after a few years or working in supplement & vitamins stores  and the odd jobs to make money, I decided to start my clothing line "Iddy Biddy Fitness Apparel". I was inspired to promote women's fitness and encourage women to both fit & feminine. I wanted to make working out "fun" for more women and create a community where women could support each other's fitness journeys and celebrate their strengths.

I launched this clothing line while I was still working full-time. To others it may not have been an "ideal time" to start a business. I was in between living situations, money was tight and my job was not stable. This is WHY  I started this blog, because this is the REALITY. I started a business from literally nothing. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It has kept me going everyday and excited to get out of bed. There have been many challenges along the way, but I am grateful for my brand's success thus far. Now that my brand is becoming established I am also able to refocus my attention to personal training and nutrition coaching.

Meeting with other entrepreneurs has been extremely eye-opening for me. It is amazing to meet other people with their own visions and who are making their dreams reality. I hope to connect with more entrepreneurs with this blog and inspire others to take the leap. So that's ME! If you want to stay connected, please follow me on Instagram @kbiddi & @kelsey.wonderfit .
For blog updates, visit my NEW page Iddy Biddy Entrepreneur.

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