Is Summer Slowing You Down?

I love summer and everything that comes with it! The beach days, wedding season, drinks on the patio, longer days and weekends full of sunshine! But last year I remember my business  "slowed down" when the weather got warmer. This year, the anxiety of the slowing down crept up on me and I decided to push myself to "think outside the box" instead of accepting defeat. I figured if I tried a few new things this summer, it might give me a better shot at keeping my sales steady! So far, these are a few things that have revved up my summer season!

1. Get Out There

This has been the BEST thing that I have done this summer that I did not do last summer! I am getting out there and getting involved in events. There are so many events that you can be apart of to promote your business in the summer. Last year I remember just keeping to myself, doing my own thing and focusing on my online presence while everyone was outdoors or experiencing summer activities. This year it dawned on me, my customers are not sitting at home in the summer! They are out having fun, so I have to step out of my comfort zone and try new things in the community! Get out there and go where the people are!

2. Freshen Up Your Marketing

The summer is also the perfect time to use the great weather and beautiful scenery to your advantage. Plan outdoor photo shoots and incorporate your business or product as part of your summer adventures. Make marketing fun and seasonal. People like to see their favorite brands enjoying similar summer experiences they do and experiencing new activities and fresh perspectives.

3. Plan Ahead

The summer gives us some time to look ahead. Again, something I did not do last year until the start of September and there was so much to do! I usually  don't have much time to plan for the next season, so this summer I am committing myself to getting organized for fall. I am using my extra time and resources to plan for the upcoming season so that the September rush isn't so overwhelming!

4. Enjoy Some Downtime

Everyone else is "taking a break," so yes you need one too! I have already taken some breaks away from posting on social media and attending events because summer is meant to be enjoyed! Your customers will understand that you need a summer break just as much as they do. You will feel refreshed and inspired to hit the ground running again after unplugging for a few days. Summer will be over before you know it, so soak up those beach days and fun times with friends and family while you can.

I hope you found today's topic helpful! As an online business owner, summertime can be a challenge as people are enjoying more of the outdoors and are more active. Instead of this being a negative outcome for online business owners like myself, we have to take advantage of the changes around us and adapt our strategies for success! Enjoy the summer and all of its pleasures, it will only slow down if you let it!

Kelsey xo


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