I Will Never be "Normal"

Some days I wish I was "Normal". I know that's not the best word to use, but that's the word that comes to mind. Some days I think, it would be easier if I just enjoyed a 9-5 job and felt fulfilled at the end of the day. It would be easier if I felt like that was "enough," but that has never been how I've felt. I've always needed more to get me out of bed in the morning and motivated to keep moving forward. My happiness has been found in creating projects of my own and feeling fulfilled with those en devours. Before my business, this void was filled with competing in fitness competitions. I've always had "something else" to challenge me and fuel my own momentum.

Photo by: Jessi McConnell @jessthesnapper 
I'm sharing this because I know there are other people who feel the same. Some days can just been more difficult than others. I feel like it would be nice to be able to "unplug" at the end of the day and leave work at work. I know I chose to have my own business while still at another job, but it was something I had to do to feel fulfilled at the end of each day. For me, "normal" was boring and non-inspirational.

I am blessed and grateful for everything my business has given me. I still get excited for each and every shirt I sell and I feel like time flies by when I'm working on my business. I get the opportunity to express my creativity and connect with like-minded people. I truly love it. But that doesn't mean I do not have moments of doubt. I often wonder how it would change my life if I just "gave up" or stopped trying. I think many entrepreneurs feel like this at certain points in their journeys. Now I understand why people kept warning me that having my own clothing line would be "hard". In the beginning stages I didn't really understand what they meant, but now I understand that it really meant it would take sacrifice, mental toughness and grit to get through the tough times.

On social media, entrepreneurship can look like freedom and flowers, but behind the pretty pictures there can be a lot of difficult times that test our endurance to "keep going," despite the challenges. I won't give up because I have looked at all of the amazing things my business has brought to my life. I do feel like I have learned what it means to be a true entrepreneur and I will tell you, it is "hard". As always, I love connecting to other entrepreneurs and creators, feel free to reach out and follow my journey by subscribing to my blog or following on Instagram! @kbiddi

Kelsey  xo


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