January Blues

Anyone else have the January blues?! I know we are supposed to be motivated for a "New Year and New Goals," but I feel like I didn't get much of break to recharge! This is a horrible feeling as an entrepreneur because there is this pressure we feel to be inspired during these times and innovating new ideas. But honestly after the rush of Christmas shopping, then Boxing Day Sales and my personal life I have struggled with the excitement of "2019" energizing my every move.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are feeling the January Blues!

Photo by: Jonathan Grills
1. Everyone Needs a Break

Stop beating yourself up for not going 100 miles an hour right from the holidays into the new year. You cannot pour from an empty cup and worn out creativity will not be your best work. Take the time you need to rest, re-energize and recharge both mind and body after the holidays. Remember, other people are doing the same. Your customers or clients need to refuel their motivation and refill their bank accounts after the holidays too!

2. Reflect on the Past Year

Before revving your engine for 2019, pump the brakes and look back on 2018. What did you succeed at? What can you improve on? What are your BIG goals? What will take priority of your time and resources? When we take time to really reflect on our previous year, we can make a better, well though out game plan for the months ahead. Slower periods in business can offer great opportunities for learning and growth to take place.

3. Don't Force It

If you are burnt out and feeling a little "lost" or unsure what your next moves will be, don't force it. Don't haphazardly start committing to events or launching new products to just fake momentum. Momentum is good, but only when it makes sense. If you have ideas, write them down, do your research and weigh your options. You will make more effective decisions and have confidence in the future.

4. Talk it Out

This is the perfect time to reconnect with friends or family and seek support. Talk to the people who have your back and support you. Run some ideas past them and talk about your feelings (I know, what a concept)! If you have a team of people who work for you or with you, ask them for feedback and take it all into consideration.
Photo by: Jonathan Grills

5. Breathe and know YOU GOT THIS

Chances are you have felt this way before, we aren't all beaming with positivity and adrenaline all of
the time. Reflect on what energized you in the past year and what wore you out. Choose to do more of the things that inspire you and give you the energy you need to keep going. Also remember to show some gratitude for the people who have supported you. Thanking others will make you feel good and you may have left some kind words unsaid when you were too busy to even think. Practicing gratitude will only attract more abundance for the New Year! So think of all of the success you have already experienced and KNOW there is more coming your way!

Hope this post today sent some positive vibes your way! Wishing you all the best in 2019!

Kelsey xo

Let's stay connected > Instagram @kbiddi


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