Find Your Flow

Most of us believe that in order to be successful and and make money, we have to work hard. Working hard is great, but working jobs we hate or feeling like everyday is an uphill battle is not.
Do YOU feel like for most of your adult life that you have had to work at jobs you don't like in order to make a living? That if it is a struggle, it must mean you are hustling to get where you want to be? How has this been working out for you? Do you feel fulfilled everyday, do you enjoy your work and are you motivated to get out of bed every morning?

For most of us we have been raised and conditioned by society to think in this way. You need to get a job, work hard for stability and live in the daily grind. You must sacrifice your happiness and suck it up. What kind of life is this?! I have been living this life as soon as I started to work. My idea of work did not equal fun. It was something that I knew I had to do to make money so I have chosen jobs I knew I could handle for security ad stability. Normal right?!

But in order to be the happiest versions of ourselves and give the world what it deserves, we need to enjoy our work. We need to offer our best selves to others and the world. So doesn't that mean we deserve to be happy and passionate about our work? You BET! The happiest people I know have "Found Their Flow." Simply put, they do what they love without fear and they are good at it.

Let me explain this in the best way I know how: When was the last time you did something that felt easy and enjoyable? Time just flew by and you were fully immersed in your work and when you finished the activity you simply felt accomplished and good? Now think about if you felt that way everyday after a day of work. If this seems completely foreign to you because you hate your job, you may be thinking, 

"It would be selfish to feel that way, there's no job out there like that for me, I wouldn't be working HARD enough if I felt like that everyday." THIS IS THE PROBLEM!

Instead of going through life like we are a kid rolling down a hill without a fear in the world laughing and just letting it happen, we flail around, stretch out our arms and try and climb up the hill face first and think this is how life should be. 

I am still working through this concept myself. I have fulfillment in my own business, but finding that job to pay the bills that I enjoy has been a struggle. So I get it! We all have bills to pay and need stability, but wouldn't we all be a lot more successful and enjoy our lives if we were happy?! My challenge to YOU and Myself is to think about the jobs or work you have done that you have "Flowed Through." What were you doing? What were you good at? How did it make you feel at the end of the day? And what opportunities could you take advantage of now to help you Find Your Flow again?

As always I love when you share your own experiences! Don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a message! Have a wonderful week and start flowwwwwwwing!

Kelsey xo


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