Your Tribe Affects Your Vibe

I know a lot of you have heard the phrase "Your vibe attracts your tribe," but it goes both ways! The people we surround ourselves with affect how we think and act. You may have also heard that, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend your most time with." I believe in this one 100%. I have consciously tried to surround myself and spend my time with people who fill me with positive energy versus people who drain me.

I know what you are thinking, that you can't CONTROL who comes in and out of your life. This is true, but if you want to protect your mindset, you need to choose who you spend most of your time and energy with. You can also decide what kind of conversations you engage in and whom they are with.

A few examples:

1. You have a co-worker who has "poor me" syndrome and believes the whole world is against her. When shes starts to complain about her situation, you can put a positive spin on any problem or offer a suggestion. Now if she stays quiet, great. If not and she continues to go on and on about her problems, you simply disengage. Don't argue or let it bother you, just walk away, find something to do, go out for lunch or connect with another co-worker. Avoid allowing your energy to change or be exposed to negativity.

2. A family member (mom, dad or sister etc) does not understand your lifestyle. Whether it be your business, career, passion etc. Every time you see them they do not support what you do or seem interested in your pursuits. That's not your problem, it's theirs. Sometimes we also make the mistake of asking advice of people who don't support us which is never going to end well. So instead of seeking their approval (which you may never receive), explain to them WHY this career/hobby makes you happy. Even if they don't agree with it, they do want to see you happy most of the time! They also may be fearful for you because they don't want you to fall flat on your face. Fear can be expressed in many forms, so do not mistake fear for you as a lack of love or caring for you.

3. Your longtime friend doesn't like or relate to "the new you". This can be a tough one because we love our friends and don't want to lose them. If you have made drastic changes in your life or are heading down a completely different path than a good friend, it can be tough to stay connected. If they don't understand what or why you are changing your lifestyle, it can be difficult to convince them that this is the REAL you. If friends are not supportive of what you are doing, negative towards you or jealous that you've "changed"it can put strain on the relationship. If they are not open to an attitude change for the sake of your relationship, you may need some space. Time and space can give time for clarity and avoid saying hurtful things before reflecting on your feelings.

So are you feeling like you are on a higher frequency than the current tribe you've been running with? Are there certain people who are effecting your mood negatively and holding you back from living the life you long for?

You are allowed to create space with family or friends that aren't positively helping in your journey. Eventually you may become immune to their words or energy and it won't affect you anymore, but if you are feeling vulnerable to other people's energy affecting you, you need some space.

You are also allowed to make NEW friends, connections and mentors. If there are people in your life or circle who inspire you, exchange positivity and feel recharged around, hangout with them more! If you don't have many of these people in your life, stay open to them coming into your life and seek opportunities to connect with like-minded people.

Hope this post was valuble to some of you! Don't hesistate to e-mail me if you have any questions or want to connect with someone who "gets its". Have a great weekend!

Kelsey xo


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