Everyone Will Have an Opinion
This may seem obvious, but no matter what you do in life EVERYONE WILL HAVE AN OPINION about what you do and how you choose to do it. This goes for starting and running a business, moving to a new place, starting a new job, getting into a new relationship or any kind of BIG change. Now I knew when I started a business that I would have to face other people's opinions of what I was doing, but I never thought that sooo many people would have strong opinions on HOW I should run my business.
I respect that everyone has an opinion and the freedom to voice it, but it is interesting how many people believe that YOU need to hear it! I would not have started my own business if I thought I needed everyone's input before making every decision. But people don't care about that, they will tell you anyways because Everyone Thinks They Know Better.
Before I go any further, I want to explain that I don't know or think I know everything about running a business. Everyday I learn something new and seek advice from the people I admire and respect. The thing is, these aren't the people who offer their opinions so generously. I get messages all of the time from people telling me what phrases to put on shirts, that I should sell different styles, that the prices should be higher/lower blah blah blah. I listen to everyone's input and if I receive the same comments from multiple customers I will think about Why, How and What I can improve, but at the end of the day I have to stay true to myself, my vision and trust my own instincts.
There are a few people who I CAN trust and I will seriously consider their opinions & feedback. These people are my parents, my boyfriend, my Squad (brand ambassadors) and mentors or successful entrepreneurs/professionals. These people either care about me and my success or have credibility to give good advice that will help my business grow and succeed. I've learned to block out the rest because I know I can't make everyone happy (I'm not pizza!) and once I start taking everyone else's opinions to heart, I start to lose myself and my vision for my brand in the noise and nonsense.
What I have learned to accept is that not all feedback is positive, but it does not mean it is negative. My brand is my baby and at first I did not ask for too much advice because I did not want to feel judged or defeated. The Right advice from the Right people is golden though! In my first year in business I have opened myself to learning more from other entrepreneurs and am not afraid of criticism. At the end of the day I know what I want my brand to represent and that's something I'm not willing to compromise.
The goal can be constant, but the methods to achieving it will always be changing.
Hope you enjoyed today's topic! Stay true to YOU!
Kelsey xo
I respect that everyone has an opinion and the freedom to voice it, but it is interesting how many people believe that YOU need to hear it! I would not have started my own business if I thought I needed everyone's input before making every decision. But people don't care about that, they will tell you anyways because Everyone Thinks They Know Better.
Before I go any further, I want to explain that I don't know or think I know everything about running a business. Everyday I learn something new and seek advice from the people I admire and respect. The thing is, these aren't the people who offer their opinions so generously. I get messages all of the time from people telling me what phrases to put on shirts, that I should sell different styles, that the prices should be higher/lower blah blah blah. I listen to everyone's input and if I receive the same comments from multiple customers I will think about Why, How and What I can improve, but at the end of the day I have to stay true to myself, my vision and trust my own instincts.
There are a few people who I CAN trust and I will seriously consider their opinions & feedback. These people are my parents, my boyfriend, my Squad (brand ambassadors) and mentors or successful entrepreneurs/professionals. These people either care about me and my success or have credibility to give good advice that will help my business grow and succeed. I've learned to block out the rest because I know I can't make everyone happy (I'm not pizza!) and once I start taking everyone else's opinions to heart, I start to lose myself and my vision for my brand in the noise and nonsense.
What I have learned to accept is that not all feedback is positive, but it does not mean it is negative. My brand is my baby and at first I did not ask for too much advice because I did not want to feel judged or defeated. The Right advice from the Right people is golden though! In my first year in business I have opened myself to learning more from other entrepreneurs and am not afraid of criticism. At the end of the day I know what I want my brand to represent and that's something I'm not willing to compromise.
The goal can be constant, but the methods to achieving it will always be changing.
Hope you enjoyed today's topic! Stay true to YOU!
Kelsey xo
Quite a good post that highlights the journey of an entrepreneur from the idea spark to the final execution I actually got some pointers that I would implement on my small business