You Don't Have to Be "One Thing"
Ever since I could write my own name, the number one question was "What do you want to be when you grow up?" People ask us this life defining question from 5 years old to when we graduate university. There is a societal expectation to know WHAT you want to be. I have never known "What" I want to be. I have only known WHO I want to be. Everyday I wake up the only thing I know for sure is the kind of person I want to be and what I want to be known for, I don't know exactly what title to give myself.
So are we supposed to pick ONE thing to be our whole lives?! I don't think so and that is what draws me to being an entrepreneur. I can decide what I want to do and be apart of many aspects of my business. I can be a health & fitness advocate, a coach, a creator, designer, social media maven and a CEO. I still don't know what "I'm meant to do," but I know I want to enjoy what I work towards and that I want to feel personal success. I want to empower others and give them a sense of hope.
I never saw myself as being one dimensional or one thing and now I am accepting it as a strength instead of a weakness. I'm not willing to put myself in one little box the rest of my life just to have a "Go To" title to give people when they say "What do you do?". I am excited for my future as an entrepreneur because I decide my worth and I have the power to put a cap on my earning potential and worth. What you put in is what you get out. If you have a difficult time understanding millennials like me, this is the point. We don't want to be limited by doing one thing for our whole lives. We want to explore opportunities, we are searching for happiness, we want to feel important & valued, we truly do want to make a difference.
So What Am I? I am the owner and designer of Iddy Biddy Fitness Apparel, I work another full time job to pay the bills, I'm a writer, I'm passionate about health and wellness and want to inspire others to chase their dreams and believe that nothing is impossible. It's not a clean and concise title, but I will never be "One Thing" and I'm okay with it!
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