Girl, How Many Jobs Do You Have?

I've been answering this question for about 5 years now! So I thought it was about time to write about it. I have made the mistake of taking on too much in the past few years, but I have also made the mistake of not taking on enough. Currently, I am working full-time, running my own clothing line Iddy Biddy Fitness Apparel, Co-owner of a workout gloves line G-Loves Canada and I am an assistant for a heels dance class at Army of Sass Guelph.

Here are a few reasons WHY I have worked multiple jobs and/or multiple businesses:

1. Money or Financial Stability
Photo by: Chantel Dirksen Photography

This is the obvious answer. In this day it is not easy to get by with one job that you actually ENJOY! I'd rather have 4 jobs than work one that I absolutely hate. I know there's many people who will agree with me on that one. Also if one of you sources of income comes from being Self- Employed, a second job that offers stability and consistency is always nice to be able to have a budget and predict your future cash flow.

2. All of my eggs aren't in one Basket

As an entrepreneur, it is smart to have more than one venture to invest your time in. If one business is slow you don't have to stress because you have another one you can focus on. If you have a busy mind like me, it helps to have multiple business to stop from obsessing over every little thing. You don't feel like you ever have to sit around and "wait" for something to happen. You can just move onto the next thing with another project and instead of fixating your success on the outcomes, you can devote energy to the processes.

3. Gives Me Momentum

When I am not busy, I get lazy. I think many of you can relate to this. When we have a lot going on it forces us to get stuff done. When we have all of the time in the world, we procrastinate and put it all off to another day. I like the push that comes from a busy day to keep the momentum going and to be productive.

4. Saves Me from Boredom

Doing the same thing all day everyday is boring to me! I love tasks and jobs that require creativity. It keeps my mind fresh and inspired.  I often need a break from one thing, but it doesn't mean I want to do "nothing," I just want to do something "different". I love having multiple projects on the go at once because I don't need to drain all of my energy from doing one thing. If I need to work a little bit here and there on one thing, I know I have another thing that my energy can be transferred to once my creativity or endurance runs dry on the previous project.

I know I am not alone when it comes to juggling many businesses or jobs. I've met other entrepreneurs who do the same thing, so that's how I know I'm not crazy! If you can't relate to ANY of these points, maybe it's not for you. For some people this would cause anxiety and overwhelm, for others like myself, not having this type of life causes me stress and anxiety! We are all different and we have to respect ourselves for that. You have to find out what your groove is as an entrepreneur or business owner and do what keeps you inspired and motivated on a daily basis.

Kelsey xo

Links: Iddy Biddy fitness apparel:
G-Loves Canada:


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