Try Try again

" If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again." 

We have all heard this quote before and most of us have experienced failure. As an entrepreneur I have accepted failure as being inevitable from time to time. It is still not enjoyable to fail and there are always feelings of doubt that follow the failures. I used to be the type of person who would let small failures spiral out of control. I would start thinking, "I'm not good enough, why am I doing this, I will never succeed, I should just give up now". Once I learned that some of the most successful people in the world have had BIG failures, my mindset began to change.

"You either succeed or you learn."

Failures are also opportunities to learn. Why did things not turn out the way you wanted? Is there something you could have done differently? Was the timing right? 

We have also heard the quote from Albert Einstein "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" So it can be confusing because of course we should "Try Again," but if we keep trying the same methods over and over and expect to succeed when our current methods are failing, we aren't really getting anywhere.


Let me give you an example of a situation that happened THIS WEEK! Let me first say, I would have never wanted to share my failures before. I would be too embarrassed or cared what people thought too much, but there is a lesson to be learned here. This week I started my own boot camp class at a new gym I just started training at less than a month ago. For my first class, NO ONE showed up. Devastating right?! I was definitely disappointed because I had thrown myself out there and I was sooo excited to teach this class.

Here's some background info before we go further... This gym had never had evening classes, they just moved to a new location, I had not taught classes for almost 2 years, I promoted it for a few weeks and I HAD "Planned" to sell the classes as a 8 class package.

Okay so after the initial let down, I reminded myself not to backslide into my old ways of thinking. It wasn't "ME". I was capable, experienced and it was a great opportunity. So I looked at what could change the situation. Well I could promote it more, personally reach out to people who were interested and make it a weekly class. I would keep going every week for a few weeks until people came. After all, you can't open a store or start a business and give up because no one walked on the FIRST day of business. Another thing we decided to do was change the class from Women Only to Coed. Why put limits on the class if we didn't need to?

Now of course all of these little changes were not what I ideally wanted. It didn't go exactly how I planned and in the past I would have viewed this as a HUGE obstacle. Perfectionism at its finest. But when we stop freaking out because things didn't go according to plan, we make room for the universe to help us out. I wasn't "Failing," I was learning and being led down a different path. Maybe this would be a way to attract more clients and male members into the gym? Maybe having a weekly class available to everyone instead of an exclusive group would help the gym establish a greater sense of community.

The second class, I DID have a few people show up! The vision did not change, but the plan on making it happen had to undergo a few revisions ;) Don't give up or be afraid of changing the "master plan," some of the best ideas came about by beautiful detours.

Kelsey xo


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