Your Greatness is What You Give

As a Business Owner I obviously always want to be making sales. In the times when sales are down it can be easy to fall into a mindset of "desperation". You want people to buy so you start throwing everything on Sale, sending extra e-mails and posting on social media with prices and product multiple times a day. I have learned that THIS DOESN'T WORK!

It does not feel authentic when I'm in this mindset. It does not come across genuine and is not expressing the heart of my brand. When I start stumbling into a desperation mindset, I have to remind myself to breathe and re-evaluate my actions.

So what do we do as entrepreneurs when we have done every marketing ploy to increase sales?! WE GIVE. Our customers love our product, but what else can we give them besides product? I started my clothing line to inspire and empower women. How can I do this apart from creating clothing? This is when I have to tap into my creativity and work with passion. I find inspiring quotes to post, pictures of happy clients and admire and share stories of amazing women. I connect with my customers and GIVE BACK without an expectation of a purchase.

The funny this is that this usually increases my brand's following and sales begin to pick up again. I create an experience that makes me feel good, do my work with an elevated sense of purpose and the rest just falls into place.

Our Greatness is truly found in what we can give, not what we get. 

Have a wonderful week doing what you love and loving what you do!

Kelsey xo


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