It's Not all Starbucks & Chill
She's an entrepreneur, she gets to hangout at Starbucks, deliver shirts and enjoy building an empire. Right?!
I would love to be able to hangout at coffee shops to work on my website and social media in my spare time! It does happen on the rare occasion, but not on a weekly basis. I admit I thought this all would be a little more glamorous than it actually is. I too thought that I could build my biz like those #bossbabes on Instagram who claim "coffee and wifi" is all they need! The reality is that yes, some days I do have Starbucks meetings with clients or for networking opportunities, but the bulk of what I do is during the small parts of my day when my time has not been spoken for by other commitments.

I post in the morning while I eat my breakfast, edit my website in my breaks at my day job, multitask social media while on the treadmill and after dinner while "watching" my fav shows. There's a lot of hustle that is NOT convenient or luxurious.
Time is very precious and I've learned that in order to be a successful entrepreneur you have to work when other's don't want to . You have to keep moving while others rest and you have to have energy and positivity in the moments when you just want to shut down and give up.
The most difficult thing to communicate and explain to family and friends is that you seriously want to see them! You are not avoiding social events or calling them up for a coffee because you don't want to see them. WE WANT TO SEE YOU! It can just be very difficult to make plans when you are running your own business and working full-time to support yourself and your business. When you are trying to balance all of this it is also crucial to look after yourself so you don't burn out and have that energy and motivation to keep going. We also need a little push sometimes in order to allow ourselves a break. I know it sounds crazy but we need you as a friend or family to ask us how things are going or meet us halfway.
We love help, but will never ask for it. We love your support, but do not expect it. We need you even though it seems like we got it all figured out and under control.
If you are an entrepreneur who can relate, send this to a friend or family member! If you are in my circle, I hope this sheds some light on what I am going through. As always, reach out to me if you'd like to connect I would love to hear from you ;)
Kelsey xo
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