Is Future Tripping Keeping You Down?

Have you ever thought of a really amazing idea for a project or event, but then talked yourself out of it? Was it because the "what ifs" stood in your way? Did you think of all of the possible unforeseen problems that might happen, so you gave up on the idea all together? You may have been "Future Tripping". 

If you have never heard of this term, it basically means having anxiety about the future. Future tripping can get in the way of us enjoying the present moment and stand in the way of pursuing future en devours. Future tripping can be brought on by our own thoughts or the thoughts of others. We may think we cannot handle the pressure of trying something new or we fear not being able to predict future events and how they will unfold. For people who thrive on control and predictability, future tripping can pop up when we are living in uncertainty or attempting something with a variable outcome.

Here are some examples of "future tripping" that apply to my own business:

-What if I can't handle the amount of sales I get?
-What if no one buys the new shirt I release?
-What if I mix up an order because I am too busy? 
-What if I don't make it to the event in time to set up my booth the way I want it?
-What will I do when  my business becomes so big that I need to hire more people? Who will I hire? Where and how will I find staff? How will I trust them?

From the beginning, I have tried to prepare myself for the future without freaking out about it. Some "future tripping" ideas still wiggle their way in sometimes though. In these moments I have to remind myself that I will deal with the problems or situations as they arise. Worrying about things that have not happened yet is not going to help me now. When we let these future tripping thoughts take over our minds, our inspiration and dreams become clouded with fears. We lose our spark and allow the worries to take control over our vision.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be prepared for growth or possible issues in your plans, but don't let them stop you from even trying. Part of being an innovator is being able to adapt to changing circumstances. When you are attempting to create something new or follow an untraveled path there will be risks. There will be elements of surprise and you won't always be able to predict how or when things will happen.

So how do we stop ourselves from future tripping?

One thing I like to do is to recognize how I handled previous experiences or situations. Looking back and seeing how I handled other unpredictable events helps me have confidence that I can get through future situations. Most of the time we worry about things that never actually happen or it is a way smaller issue than we imagine it to be.

Another way I stop future tripping is to realize that I am in control of my own reactions. I can't control what happens, but I can control HOW I react. It's not like an obstacle will arise and I will just completely be unaware of it or throw in the towel. I will deal with it! I will take a few deep breaths and figure it out. WHY? Because I care and it is my business.

The other thing I like to do is think about how other people have dealt with certain situations. If other people have gotten through these growing pains or problems, then I can too! It's not like other businesses or brands were always as "big," established or organized as they are now. We all start somewhere and the obstacles we endure lead us to the next level. We have to overcome these grievances in order to grow and become better and stronger.

REMEMBER some of the most wonderful opportunities can arrive unplanned and unscheduled. When we stay open to the unknown, we stay open to opportunity finding us. The unexpected doesn't need to be feared, but discovered. Allowing people, mistakes, lessons and success find you by "letting go" could be just what you need to move onward and upward!

I hope you enjoyed today's topic, I think it's safe to say we can all relate to having anxiety about the future at some point in our lives and there is always a better solution than fear!

Kelsey xo


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